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If you’re preparing for a bathroom remodel, you are likely well aware that it’s not just about picking out pretty tiles and a shiny new showerhead. There is so much more you need to think about if you want your bathroom reno to go off without a hitch.

But don’t stress, we’ve got your back! We’ve put together the ultimate bathroom remodeling checklist to help you plan and execute your project. With this checklist in hand, you’ll be well on your way to creating the bathroom of your dreams.

Planning and Budgeting

What’s Your Bathroom Remodel Vision?

What is your dream bathroom? Do you picture a spa-like retreat or one that can withstand the daily morning rush of your family? List down your must-haves and nice-to-haves before you start planning your bathroom remodel.

Evaluate the Existing Design and Improvement Areas

Take a good, hard look at your current bathroom. Is it functional, or are you always bumping into things? Make a list of what you love and what you’d love to change.

Set Your Budget

Now that you understand what you’re looking for, it’s time to run the numbers. Get on the internet and research the typical costs for features and materials you want to have in your new bathroom. Determine a realistic budget, then add some cushioning for those unexpected overruns.

Create a Timeline

Lastly, define a timeline for the renovation of your bathroom. Keep in mind the lead times for products, contractor availability, and any happenings or holidays that could potentially overlap your timeline. A clear timeline will keep your project on track and help minimize stress along the way.

Hiring Contractors and Professionals

Research and Vet Your Bathroom Remodel Team

Start by researching and vetting contractors in the Lafayette area. Read reviews, ask for references, and make sure they’re licensed and insured.

Get Quotes and Compare Prices

Once you’ve found a few contractors you like, it’s time to talk. Get detailed quotes from each contractor. Just remember, the cheapest quote does not always mean the best, so you have to keep a fine balance between quality work and a fair price.

Establishing Your Bathroom’s Color Scheme and Style

Choose a Color Scheme and Design Style

Before you start shopping, it’s a good idea to have a color scheme and design style in mind. Do you prefer a classic, timeless look or something more modern?

Pick Your Tiles, Countertops, and More

Now comes the fun part: picking out all the pretty pieces for your new bathroom, including tiles, countertops, lighting, and plumbing fixtures. Consider durability, maintenance, and your personal style when making your selections.

Read Also: Choosing Fixtures for Your Bathroom Remodel

Match Your Style to Your Lafayette Home

Just make sure your bathroom remodel matches the overall style of your Lafayette home. The last thing you want is to feel out of place within the rest of the house.

Preparing for the Renovation Process

Empty Your Bathroom

Take out all your toiletries, towels, and decor, and find safe temporary placement for them during the project. Make sure you remove anything like wall hangings or fixtures that you would like to keep.

Communicate with Your Family and Contractors

Make sure everyone in your household knows what to expect during the renovation process. Let them know about any changes to their daily routine, and make sure they have access to alternative bathroom facilities.

Remember to be open in communication with contractors. Do not be afraid to ask questions about what is happening.

Adding Final Touches and Accessories

Pick Out Towels, Rugs, and Shower Curtains

Now it’s time to add those final touches that will make your new space feel like home. Start by choosing towels, rugs, and a shower curtain that perfectly match your chosen color scheme and design style.

Add Some Personal Flair

Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your new bathroom. Add some decorative elements like artwork, plants, or candles to make the space feel warm and inviting.

There you have it, Lafayette homeowners – the ultimate bathroom remodeling checklist! We’ve covered everything from planning and budgeting to choosing materials, hiring contractors, and adding those final finishing touches.

Read Also: 5 Things to Consider Before Your Bathroom Remodel

Are you planning a bathroom remodel? Visit Facets of Lafayette, a bathroom remodeling showroom near you in Lafayette. Our team is here to assist with product selections, design advice, and more. Schedule an appointment here to skip the line!